Boswell Briefing: Healthier Women Thanks to Health Care Law


Date: Aug. 1, 2012
Issues: Women

Dear Fellow Iowan,

Starting today, because of the Affordable Care Act, all new insurance policies must cover vital preventative care women depend on to maintain good health.

To increase fairness in health care, we rightfully declared in this health care law that gender is not a pre-existing condition, and that our friends and daughters will not have to pay more for health care simply because they are women.

I am proud that the changes implemented today will ensure that every woman in Iowa will have better care and better coverage for a better price.

The provisions that go into effect today will help address cost barriers and make sure all women have access to needed care without co-pays, including: well-woman visits; support and supplies for new mothers; domestic violence screenings; contraceptive options; and many more services that will keep women healthy and increase the affordability of their health care.

[For more information on these new benefits for women, visit]

Women face significant barriers to finding affordable health care, and generally earn on average just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.

In spite of this, women across Iowa and the nation have helped to build the industries and businesses that make our nation thrive today.

I am proud to have supported the Lilly Ledbetter Act, the Paycheck Fairness Act, and the Affordable Care Act. Today is a great day for women and a great step forward for women's health.

I will continue to work to ensure that women receive fair treatment in all aspects of their lives.


Leonard L. Boswell
Member of Congress
